Wednesday, October 11, 2017

What Instructional Objectives Tell Learners and Instructors

The following three minute video explains instructional objectives. It is focused on instructors and uses the word students rather than learners. In some ways, it's a reminder piece. Whether it's old or new news, Common Craft's short video reminds us of the value of intentional learning expectations and assessment.

Instructional objectives are statements that name what a learner will know or show as a result of the learning, in observable terms. Other related terms you may come across are performance objectives and competencies.

On the instructor/design side, instructional objectives remind the instructor to focus on key support material (not everything and the kitchen sink), and to assess the the learning in ways described by the objectives.

What is the value of this video for the learner? If I am starting a course or looking to take a course, looking at the performance expectations/instructional objectives helps me orient for success with the learning experience. If none are stated, I might ask the instructor what the objectives are, so I can determine whether the match is close enough to my learning want or need.

Here’s to clarity and valuable learning!