This week I attended the ELearning Colorado Consortium Conference.
One term referred to in a keynote was augmented reality. I had seen some examples earlier this year but had forgotten about them.
The Strange Librarian so nicely explains augmented reality as "placing computer-based or cloud-based information on real-world locations" (or items). QR codes are an augmented reality application. QR means Quick Reference and is a 2D image which transmits such digital information through scanning software.
These codes (like bar codes) are read by a reader in camera phones (though you can download them to desktops, at least in some cases). So you might have product info, or maps, or contact info, or a photo, or websites. You may now see them in magazines or on products or even on some buildings.
Sites are available to download the scanner software for a variety of phones, and sites also allow each of us create QR codes.
The keynoters had made mention of QR on t-shirts, and I did have some fun looking at QR codes on T-Shirts, bags, business cards, and caps. Coming across this video took it right over the top, though -- how to use a knitting machine to create a scarf with your desired QR code:
The Scarf is really cool.
ReplyDeleteI think QR stands for "quick response"
I agree- I think QR and AR can have some really interesting applications to education.
I have been designing a lot of custom designed QR codes at my website www.qrarts.com Please check it out.