Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Fall Catchup: #'glassatwork, Udacity and Workplace Learning Partnerships, Coding, #3dprinting

I’ve just not been up to speed with blogging – lots to do, absorb, and see in the world (including TSA waiting lines). Ha.

These practices have been on my  tech and learning radar: the continuing developments and use Google Glass by workplace sectors, an increased in workplace learning opportunities, the increased development of wearables, the need for coders, and 3D  printing.

From an application that provides opera librettos, to live patient evaluation from the ambulance, to use of Goolge Glass for workplace support when hands should be free for dangerous work tasks are some examples of these developments.

View these articles tagged in Twitter with #glassatwork:

Udacity learning partnerships
The breaking news is that Udacity just raised a bundle on Kickstarter.
IMHO, higher ed has a window of opportunity to create models for workplace learning that can easily be articulated for credit at their institutions.

Smart money would have institutions talking to Udacity. For instance,
Ed2Go is now widely supplementing continuous education offerings with colleges. Ed2Go markets the course, provides the instructior, and fills the seats for a cut of the fees. Because these courses are not for credit, an institution’s incorporation of the courses into their offerings is quite easy, in comparison to the rigours of developing or adopting new for-credit courses.

I’m still waiting for the delivery of Bo and Yana, my programmable toys from Iplay.
They are just part of the call to have kids develop coding skills. Hour of Code is a campaign to engage learners of all ages in coding: Two such offerings are http://code.org/educate/curriculum.

Additionally the Khan Academy joined activities:

Back in December 2013, I visited the NY’s Museum of Art and Design  3D exhibit and even got scanned for a miniature of myself: http://constantlearningorg.blogspot.com/2014/01/have-you-been-scanned-for-3d.html

As these tweets indicate, the use of 3D printing is more and more prevalent: https://twitter.com/search?q=%233dprinting&src=tyah.

To view how students are engaged in 3D events, follow  TJ McCue’s 8 month tour of 3D events in the US: https://twitter.com/hashtag/3DRV?src=hash

Having had some exchanges over his tour, I tried some searches in hopes of surfacing standards, competencies, and potential higher ed or training curriculum—the results are vague and spotty.

As in the case of the coding initiative, two pertinent questions for 3D printing are, What Skills are needed for the various processes of 3D printing? And, what curriculum already exists?

This site names 8 steps for the process in the language of competencies:

This site markets competencies (at a price) for different roles in 3D printing or “additive manufacturing” though you have to purchase to view: http://skills.salary.com/Job/Engineering-Program-Manager-3D-printing

If you have some specific higher ed listings I’d love to hear from you:

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